haşhaşlı çörek - Sugar High Friday # 34

It's Sugar High Friday (as started by the Domestic Goddess) !
This time (#34 ) the event is being hosted by The Passionate Cook and she has chosen, as I saw just today, a local speciality.
I'm living in Switzerland but I'm a german with turkish origin. So I could take any speciality from this three countries. At least I decided for haşhaşli çörek (poppy buns) a turkish speciality because I do it most of the time so for this blog and plus came this week from our holiday in Turkey.
I think every cultur in the world has its own buns. In Turkey there are so many kinds of buns. They differ in their ingredients as their relatives around the world. I choose to present this regional speciality because my mother uses for this buns ingredients from her home town even she is living in Germany. They are poppy seed paste and grape molasses, a thick syrup made by boiling down grape juice. The poppy paste which is only from 100% poppy seed must be mashed with some fluid. Some use sugar water, some oil but in our traditions we use grape molasses which is as well self made. May be once you will get both in a turkish shop so try it with your best yeast dough recipe:) Even this products are not the same as the self made ingredients from a turkish village the outcome will be nearly the same. You can prepare it with tahini (sesame seed paste) too.
haşhaşli çörek

1 cup poppy seed paste
1/2 cup grape molasses
1/2 cup crushed walnuts
mix them very well and put the walnuts. Tip: Sometimes I do put some chocolate chip for my son.
20 gr yeast
1 cup lukewarm milk
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup oil
1 egg
2 1/2 cup flour

1 tsp salt
Knead a yeast dough and rest it till its the double in its size. Cut the dough in the right size you can roll out. Roll the pieces into a rectangle. Spinkle the filling mixture over the dough. Roll the dough sheet into a tight cylinder. Cut into individual portions and bake them. I bake them in muffin moulds so I cut them in 3-4cm pieces.

these look stunning! i've never heard of poppy seed paste, but i can find tahini here... they looks like chelsea buns, this is a fantastic new twist to them i will surely try one day. many thanks for participating!
Dear Joahnna, I'm happy that you liked it:)
I love the way that you put them into muffin cases, beautiful!
Your blog is fantastic, I am going to enjoy looking through your recipes.
I am running this through the translator: Wie schön und wundervoll. Ich liebe Mohn seeds!
OMG, this is the most stunning thing i have seen today! I can get all of these ingredients from my local stores, so I will give it a try!
PS: your blog is soooo fabulous. I will be back often even though I cant undertand German! :D
Dilek'ce - I'm so glad that my friend Susan (her blog is: The Well-Seasoned Cook) told me about this poppy bun recipe of yours. She knows that I adore fruit molasses (like pomegranate), and I am intrigued by your usage here. Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe with all of us.
Those buns look wonderful! Very scrumptious!
Please please please participate in my muffin monday #6... Your blog is so beautiful and your turkish buns look so good, I'm sure you'd make some amazing exotic muffins! Hope to hear form you before October 15th...
Details here
Greetings from Lima!
These look delicious. I'm glad you submitted this recipe to the Best of 2007 collection!
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